Thursday, January 27, 2011


Wednesday, January 26, 2011


RICARD FERRAN from Marteta PV on Vimeo.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Working on a new "Culs Inquiets"

Ben aviat un nou capítol de "Culs Inquiets"! Coneixerem a fons el cantautor Dídac Rocher, que acaba de treure el seu primer disc "El nus".
A new chapter of "Culs Inquiets" soon! We meet the singer Dídac Rocher. He just released his first album, "El nus".

Dídac Rocher (Foto feta per Josep Bayo)
(photo taken by Josep Bayo with his iPhone 3 during the filming of the interview)

Dídac Rocher (Foto feta per Josep Bayo)
 (photo taken by Josep Bayo with his iPhone 3 during the filming of the interview)

Fent els últims retocs a la càmera abans de començar l'entrevista. 
I'm doing the final touches before filming.
(photo taken by Josep Bayo with his iPhone 3 during the filming of the interview)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011